IDS Fintech considers social responsibility the core of its culture, investing in people and technology together through financial, environmental and social growth and innovation. The strategy and vision for CSR was formed by our CSR Team, and our objective is to ensure the wellbeing of our employees, customers, society and the environment in which we operate making a difference in our community. By focusing on digital transformation, we have created a CSR platform to spread positivity in our social and envigored activities by working on economic growth and innovation.

Message From our CEO

Our CSR Strategic Areas

Investing in our people

At IDS Fintech, we believe that our people are the key for innovation and make the difference. What we achieved today is a result of our people’s aspirations, development and goals. We empower our employees through the establishment of equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion, founding human rights, inspiring employee relations, communication and engagement, assuring health and wellness, and developing talents.


We constantly seek new talents and encourage young adults to join our elaborate internship program.

Environment Mission

We belong to the earth! We protect our environment by taking measures in our workplace such as recycling, conserving water, educating our community and encouraging volunteer work to save nature. Our responsibility is to reduce pollution and improve air quality by planting trees and to reduce global warming. We fully comply with all environmental laws and regulations at our offices.

Social Activities

We encourage sports activities and games requiring a team spirit and participate in local tournaments and events. We encourage group activities away from the work environment, namely volunteering in social work.